Our Process
elevates the every day

step One

We recommend starting every project with a Kick-Off period, which, regardless of scope, entails facilitating at least one face to face meeting. This is the best opportunity for us to listen to your needs and help create a list of goals and objectives to make sure the project runs smoothly.

Common Tasks
  • Develop Project Scope
  • Establish Points of Contact
  • Identify Goals and Objectives
  • Formulate a Steering Committee (if applicable)
  • Establish a Public Engagement Strategy (if applicable)
Typical Deliverables
  • Final Workplan
  • Signed Contract
  • Project Goals and Objectives
  • Public Engagement Strategy with Key Dates (if applicable)

step Two , Part One
background research + public engagement

Before recommendations can be made, the needs of the client and community need to be assessed, which is the first step in the Design Inspiration phase.  We begin with collecting a broad spectrum of data sets, both in the field and off, to learn as much as we can about the community and project area.

Part of our research includes reaching out to you and your community for input on programming, recreational, and amenity needs. This is usually done through a community survey, steering committee meetings and other engagement activities. This will establish and develop the guiding principles for the project.  These principles will be used throughout the process to ensure the project, when complete, meets or exceeds the original goals and objectives.

Common Tasks
  • Collect Data
  • Conduct History/Demographic Research
  • Create Existing Condition Maps
  • Conduct Code and Permitting Research
  • Create Site Analysis Graphics
  • Implement SWOT Analysis
  • Develop Guiding Principles
  • Create Survey
  • Facilitate Public Engagement Meetings
Typical Deliverables
  • Site Analysis Graphics and Summary
  • Demographics Profile
  • Photo Inventory
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Guiding Principles
  • Survey
  • Presentations/Engagement Materials

Step Two , Part Two
conceptual design

Now is the time when the creative juices flow.  Armed with community feedback and project goals, we work closely with the team (which includes you) to explore concepts, ideas, and solutions utilizing any available resources.  This phase usually involves trace paper, maps, and some form of colored pens, markers and pencils.  You will no doubt see more than one concept, and often times three, very different solutions in this phase.

Our approach usually includes one of the following approaches:
The development of concepts through a visual preferences exercise.  This can include as small or as large a group, as desired, to achieve proper consensus and solid design/plan direction.  We prefer to facilitate this in-person, but we also have online tools that can accomplish similar outcomes.

Or by hosting a design charrette. All stakeholders can become involved to share ideas and see how those ideas play out on the plans.  Anyone is able to grab a marker or pen and assist to any desired degree.  Presentations are then made on each concept/plan and the dialogue that follows is documented and used to move to the next phases of design.

Common Tasks
  • Charrette Facilitation
  • Development of Design Concepts/Recommendations
  • Visual Preference Survey
Typical Deliveries
  • Summary of Meeting Minutes
  • Open House Facilitation and Coordination
  • Hand Drawn/Digital Design Concepts
  • Concept Plan Maps
  • Character Sketches

step Three
planning + design

The Planning + Design phase begins evaluating the conceptual designs/vision to find that perfect solution. Sometimes you just know it when you see it, but more often than not, we blend ideas from each concept, or vision into the right fit.  By the end of this phase, we will request a “design freeze” and begin developing construction documents, if applicable, for the selected design.  Construction cost estimates are key in this phase to make sure we are on track! We will also develop 3D renderings of the final concept for public and internal review, as well as finalize all plan graphics.

Common Tasks
  • Refinement of Conceptual Design/Vision into a Unified Concept/Plan
  • Development of Cost Estimates
  • Selection of Materials, Colors, Patterns
  • Development of Preferred Construction Methods
  • Resolution of Utility Conflicts
  • Revision of Maps
Typical Deliverables
  • CAD Plans
  • Consultation Meetings
  • Quantity Calculations
  • Cost Estimates
  • 3D Modeling
  • Fly-Through Videos of Renderings
  • Final Plan Maps

step Four , Part One
construction documentation and admin

Construction documentation is completed to provide a communication tool between the design team and those involved in the construction of the project. These plans are a more detailed and focused version of the design development plans. Construction documents require clarity, specificity and completeness to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the intended users of the project. In addition, a clean set of construction documents ensures fewer change orders and reduced risk of contractor errors. Specifications, final details and final cost estimates are key parts of the construction documentation phase. After construction documentation, we are often involved in construction admin. Our involvement in this phase varies depending on your desires, interests and abilities. We can assist with Bidding the project and distributing plans to contractors. We can attend Pre-Construction Conferences and Review Pay Applications. Most often, we make site visits during the critical construction times, develop a Punch List and complete a Final Walk-Through.

Common Tasks
  • Demolition Plans
  • Grading Plans
  • Final Detailing
  • Specifications
  • Verification of Quantities
  • Refinement of Cost Estimates
  • Development of Bid Tabs
  • Review of Bids
  • Recommendation of Contractor
  • Pre-Construction Conferences
  • Site Visits
  • Certifications
Typical Deliverables
  • CAD Plans
  • Specifications
  • Cost Estimates
  • Bid Tabs
  • Bidding
  • Pay Application Review
  • Punch List
  • Final Walk-Through

Step Four , Part Two
plan adoption

Depending on the project, the final phase of plan development could be adoption and approval. This phase is focused on delivering the plan implementation strategy, final plan documentation and final presentations. Based on the feedback from the client, we will make the necessary revisions and complete any revisions and supplementary graphics necessary to convey the overall ideas in the plan. This phase includes prioritizing recommendations in a phasing plan and cost estimates associated with improvements. Our goals are to create a document that balances the immediate needs of the community with the long-term overarching goals for its future citizens. Our team understands the need to provide a comprehensive plan with specific and implementable objectives. To make that a reality, we will attend any meeting necessary to get the plan adopted or approved, as well as providing a packet with all of the information that we’ve created.

Common Tasks
  • Creation of Draft Plan
  • Meetings with Client
  • Necessary Revisions
  • Additional Graphics
  • ​Cost Estimate Refinement
  • Creation of City Council Presentation
  • Attend Adoption/Approval Meetings
Typical Deliveries
  • Presentations
  • Draft and Final Plan Documents
  • Implementation Plan
  • Cost Estimates
  • Digital and Print Copies of Plan
  • Created GIS Layers for Future Use